Sunday, December 12, 2010

COPE in Vientiane

We found this organisation by accident today. It is  a local body that works with the local hospitals and AusAid and a Japanese organisation to make and fit artificial limbs. Laos has been one of the world's worst afflicted countries with aerial bombing - by the US govt in the 1960s-70s....I think that was when Nixon said he would recognise the neutrality of Laos and Cambodia...funny thing "neutrality". I think it gives other countries tacit permission to bomb them to 'shit' without retribution.

In 2008 Laos was the 2nd country to sign and ratify the banning of cluster bombs (after Norway) - those bombs that have rained so heavily on Laos. Australia signed but has not ratified it - why not? America has not even signed it...........hmmmm where are most cluster bombs made?

Saw some fabulous work there and watched a great movie made by an ex-Aust army officer, who was in the Gulf War as an explosives expert. Upon demobilising he took a job in Laos training local men to detect, diffuse and remove bombs. Fantastic movie and job. The biggest problem here, is that the poverty creates problems, in that scrap metal is sought and sold. The metal in one bomb can buy food for a family for a few months, so naturally when they are found they are eagerly retrieved by the locals -with devastating consequences.

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