Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Wild Wild West

Vientiane - the French word sounds so romantic, we now know it is pronounced "Vien Chan"....not nearly as enticing. Who ever wrote all those romanticised books of the French in the Indo Chinese love nests, with    jasmin scented breezes, beguiling people, languid days with 'gin slings' on tropical tree lined roads - was lieing! We havent seen that yet, but we will continue to look tomorrow. It too will come - with time and effort in our search and destroy approach to investigating cultural icons and histories. The town itself is reminiscent of the "Wild West" with a few cars and tuktuks - but no one seems to move far or fast. Think of Kondinin on the Mekong - with no sheep but lots of chickens and ducks (BBQ'd). The temples are our goal tomorrow, and more meditation....

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