Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Luang Prabang -only if it's Wednesday

We have decided to stay here until we catch our plane out to Cambodia. There is so much to do, so we will do as much as possible here. Then my next trip can focus on the south of Laos….?
We are going to do a cooking course one day – this will involve checking out the quality of (fishy) items at the markets – learning how to poke and prod with ease and authority I guess.

Our journey here today was a 7 hour bus ride over a mere 230kms. The scenery was spectacular, the roads were 'engaging', the traffic was eye catching and the bus - was NOT airconditioned.
 This is one of the mountain villages along the long and windy road to LP.
 Zoomed in houses - they essentially all looked the same.
 The scenery was spectacular.
 Scene from a terrible stop off with disgusting toilets.
This is the guest house we are staying in, in Luang Prabang. Our room is downstairs on the right. we are paying 100,000kip per night between us. Thats about $12.50

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