Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vang-Vieng (Tuesday with no internet)

The early morning bus ride was uneventful – pleased to note the quality of bus drivers and rides is comparable across Indo China. No surprises for me – not so for Christina. Going up the hills seems to be a chore – can’t think of a slower bus I have been on. Going around corners and past other vehicles was an event – to be missed.
Wandered around Vang Vieng – reminiscent of Kuta beach and Bali; lots of young people drinking and in various states of undress. Why they think they are on the beach is beyond me – we are in a LAND LOCKED country for gads sake. Tubing down the Mekong is not the same as surfing on Kuta. Today we bypassed the tubing and caves and opted for a gin on the river front of the Elephant Pass Resort where we watched the sun set with a couple from Brisbane.They  have been teaching in Hanoi for the last 10 months. We leave them in the morning but will catch up with them again in Luang Prabang
In our hotel room tonight the rules on the wall include:- “no intercourse; no opium smoking or buying: no noisy activities”. I think if they allowed the Opium Smoking they wouldn’t have noisy activities!
This was the view over the Mekong River from our hostel. The town is surrounded by mountains.
Sunset as well
Fishermen down from our hostel
Sunset sitting with my G&T, on the banks of the Mekong at the "Elephant Pass" hotel.
beautiful cows - these decided to follow us when we went walking at sunrise - lots of mist around. Christina was very unhappy about the cows following s - she is not a country girl.
Fishermen across the way from our hostel. They are from the village across the river.
This was walking through the farms when we went out for sunrise. It is just gorgeous scenery.
Lots of mist around the mountain as we walked at sunrise
Cows are so cute..........
The road that probably millions have walked over thousands of years. Leading into the caves and waterfalls, through the farms. Sunrise was lovely-and not that early either - after 6am.

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