Saturday, December 18, 2010

Laos Ballet

Had another great day. Biy French is still HUGE here. Lots of people still speak French and there are a number of French language schools. Many signs are written in French and Laos - English is a close third. Climbed to the top of the mount in the city centre today - 410 steps. Fantastic view around from the top - could see all the mountain ranges - Luang Prabang is on an encircled lower plateau on the banks of the junction of 2 rivers (Mekong and Nam Khan).

Tonight we are going to a traditional Laos Ballet  -  "The search for Sidu" (it is part of the Ramayana). We actually got the front row seats - hope it is good.
 The first dance with ladies - pretty, but couldnt work out who was being "paid off", by having their 10 year old daughter dance with the adults...'consideration' plays a large part around here.
 The main male dancers - "Hanuman and friends"
 "Hanuman with friends and foe".
 cute little girl but somewhat ill placed...
 We went to an art exhibition at a Swiss owned gallery - which took us nearly 2 hours to find! This is all hand embroidered and covers an entire wall. It was done by an older Hmong lady-it was fabulous.
After the ballet - the moon was perfectly placed above...

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