Monday, December 13, 2010

The Unexpected becomes the expected

Never plan anything is probably the best motto in this town. we planned to go to the International School this morning  followed by the tourist bureau. We got as far as a textile factory this morning -absolutely fabulous, The lady who owns it is from the US - she came here 22 years ago with the UNO and stayed as a textile artist. The weaving is absolutely gorgeous but incredibly expensive. We watched a few weavers on an ancient loom making curtains for an interior decorator in the USA. It will apparently take months to make the curtains - and according to our very engaging hostess, they are being charged a small fortune - so she said with a giggle. I was tempted to buy - but it is always easier to remember "I have to carry this".

Then we started walking towards the Tourist bureau, but we saw a lot of army personel and trucks and people running everywhere, and it was noisy. So we turned the corner and went into the first building to get out of the way - the National Museum. It was great (for me), Chris was over it after the first hour. While in there there were bangs, screeches, more thuds, shouting - we just wish they could have a quiet coup!! It all died down after an hour; the trucks and army left, the street was quiet and on we went.

Finally got to the Tourist bureau - and what a waste of time that was. The aide couldnt have been less interested, so we left, non the wiser to any of our questions. So what do you do when hot, bothered, 'couped out' and lost - you go to Svensens Icecream of course. Photo just for Elisha.
(We never did get to the school).

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