Monday, December 20, 2010

Hmong New Year festival

When we were walking around on Saturday, talking to everyone as we do...we were told of a festival in a village on the other side of the river on Sunday. So yesterday morning we hired bikes and rode out to the village. The festival is the annual getting toether of the local Hmong from all the different villages and they stand in lines to throw a ball at each other. This throwing of the ball represents a match making ceremony. Those of an age (around 20yo) to be married are dressed in their traditional outfits - and "are preened and ready to go". The men dress in black with colourful ribbons attached in various adornments and the women are simply stunning. They all collect silver coins and attach them to their outfits. The more coins you have the 'richer' you are. I was given the opportunity to stand in line and catch the ball - I was asked to join in by a very handsome young man (he was about 18). Then a lovely 'mature' Hmong man asked me to join in and was I looking for a partner? He was he joked and would I join him?......he came from Canada!

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